Buenos Aires News

More than 40.000 people visited “Masticar Buenos Aires”

More than 40.000 people visited “Masticar Buenos Aires”
Wednesday May 06, 2015

The first edition of the “Masticar” fair, an exhibition of the best Argentine chefs, exceeded everyone’s expectations. More than 40.000 people walked through the center of exhibitions “Plaza Dorrego” in Buenos Aires for 3 days where they all enjoyed the best local food of Argentina.

The fair “Masticar Buenos Aires” was createded to promote the Argentine cuisine and raised awareness about the benefits of cooking healthy and was organized by the group Acelga (Asociación de Cocineros y Empresarios Ligados a la Gastronomía Argentina). The government of the city of Buenos Aires was the host and sponsor, through the Dirección de Desarrollo Saludable, who relies on the vice-president of the government, María Eugenia Vidal. The exhibition included big names such as Narda Lepes, Maru Botana, Donato De Santis, Dolli Irigoyen and Fernando Trocca.

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