Buenos Aires News

Aerobic Posts in Buenos Aires!

Aerobic Posts in Buenos Aires!
Monday April 18, 2016

Buenos Aires has the perfect solution for those who would like to do sports, but don´t want to spend any money on it!

Buenos Aires has a lot of parks around the whole city; the porteños (inhabitants) love to go to these parks. They are going to the parks to sit, relax and drink a mate, but the parks are also used for sports.

In these parks many sports are done like running, playing football, doing yoga and many other sports. These sports are all for free, but besides this in Buenos Aires they invented this perfect idea to put instead of a playground an aerobic station. The children love to play on these aerobic machines, but most important: free fitness for all the inhabitants of Buenos Aires.

These aerobic stations are especially designed for gymnastics and exercise where the body uses its own weight. The goal of these fitness machines is to promote healthy habits among neighbors. The devices are suitable for anyone, not that hard but recommended as a supplement to an aerobic activity.

In some of the parks of Buenos Aires you even have a whole route of the aerobic stations, where you can combine running with those aerobic stations. On every few meters you will find one of the stations after the exercises you can run to the next station.

The aerobic posts are found in the next parks:

Thays Park, Alberdi Park, Centennial Park, San Benito Park, Parque Avellaneda, General Park Paz, Parque de los Andes, Square Haiti (in the Tres de Febrero Park) Square State of Israel (also in the Tres de Febrero Park), Democracy Square, Square Rubén Darío, Square Ireland, Ecological Reserve and Paternal Island.

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