Buenos Aires News

Buenos Aires Playa

Buenos Aires Playa
Wednesday February 17, 2016

Buenos Aires Playa is to be found in the city from January 8th until February 28th. The beach offers a broad range of activities, such as doing sports (beach-volleybal, aerobics, soccer and tennis), watergames and surfing. Facilities that are present on the beach are as follows: beach umbrellas, chairs, live bands, free wifi and reading areas for whoever wants to take it easy.

There are two locations : one beach is located in the North of the city (Parque de los Niños (Avenida General Paz y Avenida Cantilo) and the other beach is located in the South of the city (Parque Indoamericano (Avenida Castañaras y Avenida Escalada). To find out how to get there use the website or mobile application “Como Llego Buenos Aires”.

The entrance is for free and the opening hours are as follows:

Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday: from 10.00 until 20.00 (including national holidays).

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