Buenos Aires News

Buenos Aires will host the international network Metropolis in 2015

Wednesday September 24, 2014

Last July, Buenos Aires was chosen as the next city to host the Metropolis world meeting in 2015 after its sustained efforts since they joined the network. Metropolis promotes discussions of concerns and proposals for cities with more than one million inhabitants.

Metropolis provides a means by which the mayors of the largest cities in the world can formulate a statement. The World Association of Major Metropolises consists of more than 130 cities. The conferences are an opportunity for delegates – both expert and novice – to discuss critical issues, identify research and policy gaps, compare international experiences and build the Metropolis network.

In 2012, Buenos Aires was the only city awarded in the framework of a call for international cooperation projects. The selection process took place in the city of Guangzhou, China and the Buenos Aires project, "Green Economy Center", was the winner and became a recipient of financial and technical cooperation to promote sustainable transformation of the productive sectors of the city.

Last week, the capital of Argentina received the first visit of a delegation from the General Secretariat of Metropolis, to begin to determine the format and content of the event.
Metropolis 2015 Annual Meeting will be held in the first weeks of July (dates will be confirmed).

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