Buenos Aires News


Lollapalooza 2015

Lollapalooza Buenos Aires 2015

Sunday March 29, 2015

Lollapalooza has announced its final line up. The festival’s 2nd edition in Argentina will be held on the 21st and 22nd of March including world famous artists such as Pharrel Williams, Jack White, The Kooks, Bastille, Calvin Harris and many more!

The event will take place at Hipódromo de San Isidro in Buenos Aires, Argentina.

Regular tickets cost $1100 Argentine Pesos and are available through TopShow. For more information, check the website: www.lollapaloozaar.com

The ‘Silent March’ in memoriam of Alberto Nisman

The ‘Silent March’ in memoriam of Alberto Nisman

Thursday February 19, 2015

Last Wednesday 18th February, thousands of Argentines came together on the streets of Buenos Aires to demand an explanation for the death of Alberto Nisman. The people braved the torrential rain and marched through the capital of Argentina.

An estimated 250.000 Argentines gathered at Plaza de Congreso and walked down to Plaza de Mayo to show their dissatisfaction regarding the government.

Government officers reacted furiously towards the organizers of the protest march. (more…)

Argentine movie “Relatos salvajes” wins Goya award

Argentine movie “Relatos salvajes” wins Goya award

Tuesday February 10, 2015

The Goya Awards, also known as los Premios Goya, are Spain’s annually held film awards. This weekend, the movie “Relatos salvajes” (2014) (translated as “Wild Tales”) directed by the Argentine film and televisión director Damián Szifrón, won the Goya Award for the Best Foreign Film in the Spanish language (El Premio Goya a la mejor película iberoamericana). Damián Szifrón was born on July 9, 1975 in Ramos Mejía, Buenos Aires.

The Argentine movie was competing against “Conducta” (Cuba), “Kaplan” (Uruguay) and “La distancia más larga” (Venezuela). (more…)

Celebrating Carnival in Buenos Aires

Celebrating Carnival in Buenos Aires

Wednesday February 04, 2015

Last Saturday the annual carnival in Buenos Aires kicked off. Thousands of people visited the first carnival night of this year which took place from 7pm to 2am. On Sunday they celebrated from 7pm to 12am.

The carnival in Argentina’s capital is characterized by dancers dressed in colorful costumes, walking and dancing on the rhythm of drums and cymbals and by traditional murgas, which is a kind of a popular musical theater.

If you would like to participate in the Buenos Aires Carnival of this year, you get the chance on February the 16th and 17th, when they will celebrate again. (more…)

Buenos Aires number 1 Destination according to Tripadvisor

Buenos Aires number 1 Destination according to Tripadvisor

Friday January 30, 2015

Great news for Buenos Aires. The birthplace of Tango, also called The Paris of Latin America, is number 1 top destination of South America according tot the Tripadvisor!

According to Tripadvisor Buenos Aires is, like the tango itself “captivating, seductive and bustling with excited energy. “

Travelers love the different nighborhoods of the Argentina capital, it’s lively nightlife and the European heritage reflected in the architecture, avenidas and parks of Buenos Aires.


Brain new trains in Argentina

Brain new trains in Argentina

Friday January 16, 2015

In November and December last year several brand new trains were put into service in and around the capital city of Argentina, Buenos Aires. Also in other parts of Argentina old railway lines were replaced by new train sets. Half a year before the national elections of Argentina, the government of Christina Kirchner hopes to ingratiate with the voters. The Argentines are pleased with the new, modern and safe trains, although there is some suspicion around the strategic development.

The website ´Don´t Call´ launched in Argentina. No more annoying phone calls!

The website ´Don´t Call´ launched in Argentina. No more annoying phone calls!

Wednesday January 14, 2015

Yesterday a new initiative of The Ministry of Justice was launched. It´s a campaign called ´No Llame´, which means Don´t Call. Argentines who register on this website won´t receive any more calls and messages with sales advertisements. Within 30 days telemarketers have to delete the data from their databases and cannot call the registered people anymore. In the first 24 hours more than 100,000 people registered already at the website.

Signing up is simple: you just dial the tall free 146 or go to the websitewww.nollame.gob.ar (more…)

President Cristina broke her ankle during her Christmas holiday

President Cristina broke her ankle during her Christmas holiday

Monday December 29, 2014

This year has been a tough year for President Christina Fernández de Kircher. This time Christina broke her left ankle while she was enjoying her Christmas holidays with her family in their holiday house in Río Gallegos, in Santa Cruz.

On Friday the 26th Christina broke her ankle and she came directly back to Buenos Aires, to go to the Otamendi Clinic, in Recoleta. The planning of the President was to go back to Buenos Aires on Monday 29th, for the special session to debate the Parlasur lawmakers´ election bill.

New convicts for abduction of babies during military dictatorship

New convicts for abduction of babies during military dictatorship

Tuesday December 23, 2014

On Monday 22 December, former dictator Reynaldo Bignone, together with three other people, was condemned to jail sentence for the abduction of babies during the military dictatorship in 1976 to 1983.

Besides Reynaldo Bignone, also the military doctor Norberto Atilio Bianco, the ex-general Santiago Omar Riveros and obstetrician Luisa Yolanda Arroche de Sala García were condemned. They are accused of the kidnapping of at least eight babies, born in the military hospital of Campo de Mayo base.