Buenos Aires News


La Cabaña: the best beef on this planet

La Cabaña: the best beef on this planet

Thursday December 29, 2016

La Cabaña: the best beef on this planet

La Cabaña has the best beef on this planet and it is easily believable when you enter the huge oak doors of this high society restaurant in Buenos Aires.

While a huge assortment of prime beef from Argentina is offered, it is grilled to perfection like you only can imagine it in your dreams.

For 80 years, the restaurant has settled its place in history, tradition and culture of Argentina. Moreover, the rustic interior design with vintage ornaments gives the visitor a truly unique atmosphere.

While providing plenty of privacy and ambience (more…)

Boy from Afghanistan walks in the stadium with Messi

Boy from Afghanistan walks in the stadium with Messi

Wednesday December 28, 2016

Boy from Afghanistan walks in the stadium with Messi

The Boy from Afghanistan walks in the stadium with Messi after a picture was posted on the internet where the boy made a jersey of his idol out of a plastic bag. The reactions in the internet helped the 5-year old to make his dream come true.

Moreover, Messi heard of this and sent the young boy two shirts, one from Argentina and one from FC Barcelona, both signed.

However, the story goes on and a friendly match between Barcelona and Ahli SC was set up last week on Tuesday in Doha, Qatar. (more…)

First Eco-Friendly bus in Buenos Aires

First Eco-Friendly bus in Buenos Aires

Wednesday December 28, 2016

First Eco-Friendly bus in Buenos Aires

The first hybrid bus is introduced by the Argentine government last month and is now operating in Buenos Aires. It is a vehicle with two engines; one is running electric and the other one on diesel.

Moreover, the Volvo manufactured bus is supposed to make Buenos Aires more environmentally friendly and more sustainable. It is reducing noise and emissions and therefore produces less air pollution. Next to that, after it reaches 20 kph, it switches to the diesel engine.

Buenos Aires Allows Food Trucks on the Streets

Buenos Aires Allows Food Trucks on the Streets

Thursday December 08, 2016

Buenos Aires Allows Food Trucks on the Streets

The city of Buenos Aires has decided to allow food trucks on their streets. These ´´on-wheel´´ restaurants have become more and more famous in the Argentinian capital, which the government has observed.

The Ministry of Environment recently gave the owners a few restrictions. They have to be at least 200m away from another restaurant or bar, must offer gluten-free products, products for diabetics, vegetables and fruits (more…)

Banks on Strike This Week in Argentina

Banks on Strike This Week in Argentina

Thursday December 08, 2016

Banks on Strike This Week in Argentina

As banks are on strike this week in Argentina, it is not possible to use any banking services of a non-national bank (i.e Citibank, Santander, Banco Frances and foreign based banking institutions).

However, the Banking Association Union is meeting this week with various government officials in order to reach a compromise.

In addition, other banks could strike again and the general strike could be extended if the negotiations are not successful. (more…)

Uruguayan Wine Fair Comes to Buenos Aires

Uruguayan Wine Fair Comes to Buenos Aires

Tuesday November 29, 2016

Uruguayan Wine Fair Comes to Buenos Aires

On Thursday, December 1st, a Uruguayan Wine Fair comes to Buenos Aires. In fact, this is the first Uruguayan Wine Fair to take place in Argentina.

The Fair will take place in a hotel in Buenos Aires, called the Brick Hotel. The event will consist of more than fifteen wineries that will provide various samples of both wine and snacks.

Over 100 wine labels will be represented at the event (more…)

Jazz Festival in Buenos Aires

Jazz Festival in Buenos Aires

Thursday November 24, 2016

Jazz Festival in Buenos Aires

On Wednesday, November 23rd, the jazz festival will be returning to Buenos Aires. The festival will last until Monday, November 28th.

The Buenos Aires Jazz Festival has been a tradition ever since 2002. The event always has thousands of spectators, and it has grown rapidly in the last ten years. In fact, participants reached a total of 70,000 in recent years!

There will be a variety of activities, from concerts to workshops to dances, that will be scattered throughout the city. A total of four hundred jazz artists will be invading the city for this event.

La Noche de los Muesos in Buenos Aires!

La Noche de los Museos in Buenos Aires!

Thursday October 27, 2016

La Noche de los Muesos in Buenos Aires!

This Saturday, October 29th, is the annual Museum Night in Buenos Aires. This night is all about indulging yourself in culture, art and history, whether it is international or from Argentina. All museums will open their doors for the big crowds that gather in the city centre on this night. Not only are museums participating, but also various galleries, governmental institutions and private historic buildings are creating space for the cultural events. Museum Night will hold live music, theater, exhibitions and dance performances throughout the city.

Prepare for La Noche de los Museos in Buenos Aires!

As Buenos Aires has more than 240 museums, there are many events to choose from. It is possible to participate in a walking route through the city, starting at Casa de Cultura on Avenida de Mayo. (more…)

Black Wednesday: Massive March of Women against Gender Violence!

Black Wednesday: Massive March of Women against Gender Violence!

Friday October 21, 2016

Black Wednesday: Massive March of Women against Gender Violence!

#NiUnaMenos was the big message yesterday, when hundreds of women went to the streets around Plaza de Mayo and Avenida de Mayo in the Argentine Capital Buenos Aires. All of them and thousands of other women throughout Argentina, were protesting against the gender violence and femicides that have been taking place for many, many years. Many horrible events have occurred in Argentina with brutal murders, this Black Wednesday had to be the turning point in this horrible aspect of society.

Between 1 and 2 in the afternoon, women had prepared a huge strike of exactly one hour. Many women and even men gathered at Plaza de Mayo at 5pm and fought and yelled for a better society and a respectful way of treating women. (more…)