Buenos Aires News


Juan Martin del Potro Claims Silver Medal

Juan Martin del Potro Claims Silver Medal

Wednesday August 17, 2016

Juan Martin del Potro Claims Silver Medal

An ominous beginning

Upon looking at the 2016 Olympic draw last week, Juan Martin del Potro thought, ´´Ok, it´s going to be a short tournament for me.´´ Little did he know that he would be returning home with a silver medal.

In the first round, del Potro faced Novak Djokovic, the best player in the world who won three Grand Slam tournaments last year. In comparison, del Potro won a total of two matches last year.

Furthermore, del Potro has had three surgeries on his left wrist, putting a dampener on his tennis career over the past few years. (more…)

New Chinese Restaurant in Buenos Aires

New Chinese Restaurant in Buenos Aires

Wednesday August 10, 2016

Though the many tourists that reside in Buenos Aires enjoy the typical Argentinian food, cravings for other types of food inevitable arise!

Recently, a new restaurant has cropped up on San Martín called 430. This restaurant boasts an Asian fusion that some believe the city lacks.

Martín Jiang, an Argentine with Chinese parents, seeks to spread Asian gastronomy with the opening of his first restaurant. He states, ´´We use different techniques; Chinese, Japanese, Thai…plenty of cilantro, dashes of sesame oil and peanuts for crunch.´´ (more…)

Female Artists in Buenos Aires

Female Artists in Buenos Aires

Tuesday August 09, 2016

In 1986, a group of feminine artists instigated an art show called Mitominas with the intent to create a movement for females in the art community.

Thirty years later, the show has returned. However, the hopeful themes of feminism at the end of the 1900s has been replaced by the major gender issues that plague the modern world. This new show presents the role that females have in today´s society.

According to La Nación, 8% of the works of art in the National Museum of Fine Arts are done by women artists. Similarly, a general statistic declares that just 30% of contemporary art in Buenos Aires is by females. (more…)

University of Buenos Aires continues to flourish

University Buenos Aires continues to flourish

Thursday July 14, 2016

University Buenos Aires continues to flourish

The University of Buenos Aires (UBA) was founded in 1821, just five years after Argentina gained Independence from Spain. Ever since, it has grown into a well-known institution and the biggest university in Latin America.

The institution was founded on August 12th, 1821 in a time when Argentina was just beginning to grow into the beautiful country it is today. The Vice-Dean of UBA´s Faculty of Social Sciences commented to the Herald, ´´We should highlight that the University was founded at a time when there was practically no country. There´s this generalized idea that our country was already established as such by 1816, but the truth is that back then Argentina was still being built.´´ (more…)

Fans continue to plead for Messi´s return

Fans continue to plead for Messi´s return

Wednesday July 13, 2016

Fans continue to plead for Messi´s return

Argentina´s star player, Lionel Messi, has played in three Copa America finals, in 2007, 2015, and 2016. Though fought hard, Argentina suffered defeats in all of these finals, and this past tournament appears to be the last straw for Lionel Messi.

Right after the Copa America final when Messi missed the penalty shootout, he declared his retirement from Argentina´s soccer team. He said, ´´I think this is it. It´s over for me on the team.´´

However, fans all across Argentina plead for the star´s return to the national team. President Mauricio Macri and ex-soccer player Diego Maradona have been urging Messi´s fans to reach out in support and encouragement. (more…)

Argentina Still Building Olympic Soccer Team

Argentina Still Building Olympic Soccer Team

Wednesday July 06, 2016

Argentina Still Building Olympic Soccer Team

Argentina plans to compete in the 2016 Rio Olympics for its third gold medal in soccer. However, Coach Gerardo Martino is having trouble filling the spots for the Olympic team.

The reason for this is because clubs are refusing to allow their players to join the team. Although the players do want to join, the clubs are not cooperating, nor is the Argentine Football Association helping to encourage clubs to send their players.

In fact, the Argentine Olympic Committee, headed up by Gerardo Werthein, has declared the situation a result of bad management from the Argentine Football Association. (more…)

Fans plead Messi to reconsider retirement

Fans plead Messi to reconsider retirement

Saturday July 02, 2016

After Argentina´s tragic loss in the Copa America final, Lionel Messi declared his retirement from Argentina´s soccer team.

Argentina has suffered some losses in the past years. Seeking to win the title, Argentina lost to Brazil in 2007 and to Chile in 2014. Winning the Copa America final this year would have brought much redemption to the competitive team.

Messi was particularly affected by his miss of a penalty kick that just went over the goal post. He comments to TyC, ´´On top of everything, I missed the penalty kick. (more…)

Zoo in Buenos Aires closes after 140 years

Zoo in Buenos Aires closes after 140 years

Tuesday June 28, 2016

Buenos Aires stated that they have plans to close the zoo in the city. This zoo is already 140 years old but now they argue that keeping wild animals in cages and on display is degrading.

The mayor stated that the 2, 500 animals currently living in the zoo will be moved to nature reserves within Argentina to be able to provide a more suitable environment. The empty zoo of 44 acres will be turned into an eco-park in the Palermo neighbourhood later this year.

Keeping animals in captivity is degrading, it is not the right way to take care of animals. (more…)

Buenos Aires Remembers Jorge Luis Borges

Buenos Aires Remembers Jorge Luis Borges

Tuesday June 21, 2016

This week marks the 30th anniversary of the death of Jorge Luis Borges, the famous Argentine writer that has captured the hearts of so many. Today’s On Sunday commemorates the legend that he is around the world.

Buenos Aires was always the favorite city of Jorge Luis Borges, and this was evident starting in his first works, such as Ferver de Buenos Aires (1923). Borges lived in the neighborhood called Palermo for 13 years during his childhood.

The writer said of the city that he loved so dearly, “In order to love Buenos Aires I had to leave and miss it more.” (more…)