Buenos Aires News



Easter celebration: Stations of the Cross on Avenida de Mayo

Tuesday March 26, 2013

Holy week celebration Stations of the Cross will be held in Buenos Aires on Good Friday, March 29th 2013, on Avenida de Mayo.

The parade will begin at 8.30pm at Plaza Lorea (Ave. de Mayo & Luis Sáenz Peña), proceed down Avenida de Mayo and end at 10pm at the Cathedral in Plaza de Mayo, where a special, traditional Easter altar has been set up.

´Good Love Christ´, a 1.8m wood carving made by Spanish artist Luis Alvarez Duarte will lead the procession, followed by a float with the image of Virgin Dolorosa (made by indigenous peoples in 1780). (more…)


Our Horses 2013 equestrian exhibition

Wednesday March 20, 2013

“Nuestros Caballos 2013” (Our Horses 2013), the most important equestrian exhibition in Latin America, will be held at La Rural Exhibition Centre from March 21st- 24th with recreational and equestrian activities for the whole family. Over 700 horses will be brought from across the country to the exhibition for everyone to see, including of course the main Argentinian breeds, such as Criolla, Arabe, Cuarto de Milla, Polo Argentino and Silla Argentino to name just a few!

The programme of activities over the three days will include:


A – line reopens with modern wagons with air conditioning!

Tuesday March 12, 2013

Last week, a modern new subway (“subte”) was opened to the public in Buenos Aires, to replace the city’s old subway wagons of the historic A line, that was closed down during the summer for maintenance.

Although the beautifuld old wagons with their wooden seating, dim lights and manually operated doors will be missed by some, most people will be happy with the new wagons as they are are air-conditioned. Again, tourist will be able to stop and visit some of the city’s important sites such as Plaza de Mayo and the Casa Rosada, Casa de la Cultura (more…)


Creme de la Creme Shopping Tours

Tuesday February 26, 2013

Buenos Aires is an extremely cosmopolitan city, making it a great place to do some shopping. Crème de la Crème Tours know this and have designed four different shopping routes for shoppers, depending on what they’re looking for. These four tours are named Savvy, Souvenir, Offbeat and Artscene.

The Savvy tour leads tourists and travellers alike straight to the designer stores, Argentinian of course.

The Souvenir tour takes clients to the best areas to by local traditional Argentine goods (more…)


Must-Visit Palermo Restaurants: Local and Casa Arevalo

Tuesday February 19, 2013

Owners of fantastic restaurant Paraje Arevalo, Estefanía Di Benedetto and Matías Kyrizis are further improving the culinary scene in Palermo, and have opened Local, a restaurant that offers a more relaxed version of their wonderful culinary skills.

Next-door is the highlight though, with Casa Arévalo, a place where monthly events showcase the best of the most renowned city chefs. This event, TC Gourmet, is part of a new initiative for chefs wanting to reshape the local gastronomic scene, boasting different meals to the traditional Argentine steak! (more…)


Buenos Aires in February: What to do?

Tuesday February 05, 2013

With vacations coming to an end, and most BA inhabitants returning to their everyday lives, people start putting the yearly events into their diaries. Here’s our list of what to do for anyone visiting Argentina and Buenos Aires during February.
Carnaval 2013: Costumes, percussion instruments and fiestas in every neighbourhood between the 8th and 12th of February. Parque Centenario also boasts fiestas on Friday 11th, 18th, 25th and on March 4th as part of the celebrations.
Shakespeare Festival: 8th-16th of February – The centre of culture in South America celebrates one of the worlds most famous playwrights. (more…)


San Pedro Weekend Retreat

Tuesday January 29, 2013

A short while away from Buenos Aires, and still in the province of the same name lies San Pedro. On the banks of the Paraná River, it is a well-known place for locals for a weekend getaway if you are searching for a nature trip. It thus has a strong list of activities, including water sports, fishing, horseback riding and several nature walks in and around the town whilst also boasting a historic and beautiful colonial centre.

The ensaimada is another reason to visit San Pedro. It is a Spanish pastry that the town has adopted as its own and perfected. Many places offer courses or demonstrations as to how they are made (more…)


Enjoy BA in Summer 2013 with these free activities

Tuesday January 22, 2013

Starting January 12th, and finishing on the February 24th, there have been and continue to be a program of cultural events, over 100 in total, that are completely free for the general public. These include musical shows, theatre shows, kids activities, circus events as well as open-air ‘milongas’.

Open-air movies at the Amphitheatre of Parque Centenario are an option for kids (Fridays & Saturdays at 8:30pm), along with circus shows at Polo Circo and special activities on Saturdays and Sundays at Feria de Mataderos.


Veggie hideouts in Buenos Aires

Tuesday January 15, 2013

As vegetarians, travelling anywhere in the world can be a tough ask, gastronomically. Many places, like France, for example, simply don’t understand it. Travelling South America is a little better than this, but in Buenos Aires, with the dominance of meat and seafood in the city’s best restaurants, it is best to know where to go before roaming the streets in hope of flavourful veggie food.

There are a few great places to check out, and many travellers are often very surprised at this. Here are four fantastic options for any vegetarians who find themselves stranded in Buenos Aires: