Buenos Aires News

Dead dolphins found on the coast of Argentina

Dead dolphins found on the coast of Argentina
Tuesday March 15, 2016

It has not been a good month for dolphins, as 23 have been found dead along the coast of Buenos Aires this past week. Just a month ago, one dead dolphin was found in the same area after some ruthless people killed a dolphin so they could take a selfie with it.

The dead dolphins were found on various beaches in the Buenos Aires Province: San Clemente de Tuyú, Mar de Ajó, La Lucina, Aguad Verdes, Las Toninas and Santa Teresita.

The affected dolphins are of the La Plata species, which the International Union for the Conservation of Nature has declared to be vulnerable. Therefore, the recent deaths of the 23 dolphins is a tragedy among the conservation community.

The cause of death has not yet been determined, but scars from fishing nets were found on many of the dolphins. Investigations are still underway to discover whether the dolphins died from natural causes or from human involvement.

Many dolphins come to Argenina and Brazil´s Atlantic coast during breeding time, between spring and summer. Unfortunately, people are still attempting to catch the dolphins in fishing nets, which has killed off many of the dolphins in the past decades.

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