Buenos Aires News

International Congress of Language Tourism

International Congress of Language Tourism
Friday October 03, 2014

From 7 to 9 October, the V International Conference of Language Tourism will be held in Buenos Aires. During the conference they will discuss the value of language as a tourist, economic and cultural resource under the slogan “The Spanish, cultural diversity and tourism: alliances, tensions and challenges “. It is an initiative organized by SEA (Association of Language Centers of Argentina) and Tourism Authority for the City of Buenos. This event will take place at the Usina Art in Buenos Aires.

For the first time, Buenos Aires will host this event where they will bring together not only directors, coordinators and teachers of language centers and universities, but also researchers, academics, business leaders will visit this event.
The reasons for this initiative are to share experiences, access new knowledge and to make contact with the latest studies and research.

Fernando de Andreis, the president of the secretariat of Tourism of the City of Buenos Aires said: “The language tourism is one segment that has gained importance in the region in recent years. Buenos Aires is a city that over the years has received more and more tourists with the main motivation of learning the Spanish language. In the last ten years Buenos Aires has become one of the leading destinations for international students. Argentina is the Latin American country chosen to study Spanish as a foreign language and receives many students from different countries, mainly the United States, Brazil, Germany, France and Italy. “

The International Congress of Language Tourism is an initiative of SEA – Association of Language Centers Argentina, an organization that brings colleges and universities together to work on the development of academic and cultural tourism. The First International Conference on Language Tourism was held in Cordoba (Argentina), the second edition in Valparaiso(Chile), the Third International Conference on Language Tourism was held in Bariloche (Argentina), and the fourth edition in Sao Paulo (Brazil). This year Buenos Aires is appointed to host the fifth edition.

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