Buenos Aires News

New Art Shows Come to Buenos Aires

New Art Shows Come to Buenos Aires
Thursday May 25, 2017

New Art Shows Come to Buenos Aires

New art shows are coming to Buenos Aires this month. Two of these upcoming art shows are El presente está encantador and How to Entangle the World in a Spiderweb, both at the Museum of Modern Art.

El presente está encantador is a curation of art from the MOMA´s different permanant collections, including some from the Picasso exhibit put together by the artist, Diego Bianchi.

In this exhibit, Bianchi tried to blend his work with the work of other artists to make it almost difficult to tell the different artists apart. One can find Bianchi´s signature works made from recycled and waste materials incorpated into the work of some his predecessor´s.

How to Entangle the World in a Spiderweb, features the work of artist Tomas Sarraceno. This exhibit is a massive installation that is the product of 10 years of work on Sarraceno´s part and takes up two floor in the MOMA.

This exhibit is particularily interesting because for one part of the installation, Sarraceno actually brought in 7,000 live spiders to fill the room with spiderwebs. It took the spiders about 6 months to completely fill the space with their webs.

Both exhibits are open starting this month and will run until the month of August.

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