Buenos Aires News

News Item Panama Papers

News Item Panama Papers
Wednesday April 20, 2016

The President of Argentina, Mauricio Macri, is named in the Panama Papers in which he was listed as director of an offshore company in the Bahamas. During a television broadcast, Macri vowed that he had done nothing wrong and stated that he was telling the truth. Moreover, Macri said that he will pledge not guilty when he has to appear for a federal prosecutor. Macri claims that he had no shares in the offshore company and he never received any income from it.

In 2007 Macri became mayor of Buenos Aires and he did not list the offshore company in his 2007 financial declaration. Moreover, in 2015 when Macri became President of Argentina, he did not list the company either in his financial decleration. However, his office argues that Macri did not have to list the company in his financial declaration, since he had never received income from it. Macri campaigned to fight corruption in Argentina.

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