Buenos Aires News

Renewable energy is coming to Argentina

Renewable energy is coming to Argentina
Friday May 20, 2016

President Macri from Argentina has announced that he will launch a new energy program that will make use of renewable energy. There will be a public tender that detail which companies offer government services and it will function off of a bidding process. The idea is this: that the new renewable energy sources should provide 8 percent of the national usage of electricity by December 2017. For December 2025, their goal is to increase that number up to 20 percent.

In the announcement, Macri mentioned that they will start to reduce the gas emissions in the country by 2 billion tons of CO2, which is comparable to taking away a million cars off the street. There will also save money to be invested in energy imports. He also said that Argentina is a country that has the best opportunities to generate renewable energy, one such opportunity being the creation wind turbines in Patagonia.

As Patagonia has wind speeds with an average of 14.5 km per second, it is the perfect location to establish the wind turbines at this location.

The World Resources Institute estimated that in 2015, 0.78 percent of the global greenhouse gas emissions was caused by Argentina. Therefore, the country aims to reduce this high number of emissions by 15 percent by 2030.

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