Buenos Aires News



Easter celebration: Stations of the Cross on Avenida de Mayo

Tuesday March 26, 2013

Holy week celebration Stations of the Cross will be held in Buenos Aires on Good Friday, March 29th 2013, on Avenida de Mayo.

The parade will begin at 8.30pm at Plaza Lorea (Ave. de Mayo & Luis Sáenz Peña), proceed down Avenida de Mayo and end at 10pm at the Cathedral in Plaza de Mayo, where a special, traditional Easter altar has been set up.

´Good Love Christ´, a 1.8m wood carving made by Spanish artist Luis Alvarez Duarte will lead the procession, followed by a float with the image of Virgin Dolorosa (made by indigenous peoples in 1780). (more…)


Our Horses 2013 equestrian exhibition

Wednesday March 20, 2013

“Nuestros Caballos 2013” (Our Horses 2013), the most important equestrian exhibition in Latin America, will be held at La Rural Exhibition Centre from March 21st- 24th with recreational and equestrian activities for the whole family. Over 700 horses will be brought from across the country to the exhibition for everyone to see, including of course the main Argentinian breeds, such as Criolla, Arabe, Cuarto de Milla, Polo Argentino and Silla Argentino to name just a few!

The programme of activities over the three days will include: