Buenos Aires News


Celebrating Carnival in Buenos Aires

Celebrating Carnival in Buenos Aires

Thursday February 04, 2016

Although Buenos Aires is not home to the worlds famous Latin American Carnival, Argentine people do celebrate carnival. During all weekends in February you will find Corsos, street parades and Murgas: group of dancers and drummers crossing the streets during the evening in the different neighborhoods of Buenos Aires. The parades start at 19:00 in the evening and lasts till 02:00, at Sundays it will end at midnight.

The major event takes place in the weekend of the 6th and the 7th of February. So where should you go when you want to celebrate carnival in Buenos Aires? (more…)

Celebrating Carnival in Buenos Aires

Celebrating Carnival in Buenos Aires

Wednesday February 04, 2015

Last Saturday the annual carnival in Buenos Aires kicked off. Thousands of people visited the first carnival night of this year which took place from 7pm to 2am. On Sunday they celebrated from 7pm to 12am.

The carnival in Argentina’s capital is characterized by dancers dressed in colorful costumes, walking and dancing on the rhythm of drums and cymbals and by traditional murgas, which is a kind of a popular musical theater.

If you would like to participate in the Buenos Aires Carnival of this year, you get the chance on February the 16th and 17th, when they will celebrate again. (more…)


Carnival in Buenos Aires

Tuesday February 12, 2013

Lasting most of the month of February in some South American cities, Carnival is celebrated with some gusto and this is no different in Buenos Aires. For 2013, in Argentina, Carnival weekend officially takes place from the 9th-12th of February and the Monday and Tuesday – 11th and 12th of February – are national holidays.
Drums and colourful costumes can be seen and heard in all parts of Buenos Aires, with each barrio coming out with different dances and costumes. The main events will take place at Parque Centenario, but here are some other events to look out for: (more…)