Buenos Aires News


Buenos Aires Holds Festival Embracing Local Cultural Diversity

Buenos Aires Holds Festival Embracing Local Cultural Diversity

Thursday September 21, 2017

Buenos Aires Holds Festival Embracing Local Cultural Diversity

Buenos Aires celebrated recently the first “Expo de Colectividades”, a festival which sought to bring together the cultural customs of 40 communities around the world that coexist in the Argentine capital to reflect its diversity and its commitment to “cultural pluralism”.

Organized by the Undersecretariat for Human Rights and Cultural Pluralism of the city, the event was held throughout the weekend in order to “strengthen integration, good coexistence and reflect the cultural diversity of the different communities that are part of porteña identity”, according to an official of the local government. (more…)

International Congress of Language Tourism

International Congress of Language Tourism

Friday October 03, 2014

From 7 to 9 October, the V International Conference of Language Tourism will be held in Buenos Aires. During the conference they will discuss the value of language as a tourist, economic and cultural resource under the slogan “The Spanish, cultural diversity and tourism: alliances, tensions and challenges “. It is an initiative organized by SEA (Association of Language Centers of Argentina) and Tourism Authority for the City of Buenos. This event will take place at the Usina Art in Buenos Aires.

For the first time, Buenos Aires will host this event (more…)