Buenos Aires News


Buenos Aires International Festival of Independent Cinema

Buenos Aires International Festival of Independent Cinema

Thursday March 24, 2016

The 18th edition of Buenos Aires International Festival of Independent Cinema (BAFICI) will take place from April 13 until April 24, 2016. BAFICI is a phenomenon in Buenos Aires and it continues to grow each year. The festival is a real experience and is a must-go for cinema lovers. Argentine filmmakers had the chance to submit their films until January 15, 2016. The jury will decide on which films are the lucky prize winners. There are three jury´s at the BAFICI:

  • The Jury of the International Offical Competition
  • (more…)

German film festival in Buenos Aires

German film festival in Buenos Aires

Thursday September 11, 2014

From 11 till 17 September Buenos Aires gets to enjoy The German Film Festival. It is the 14th consecutive edition of the event, with a record number of films this year.

For a country that produces about 150 films a year (similar to Argentina), the selection of 18 feature films allows a good first impression of what German cinema currently is. The comedy “Fack ju Göhte” is one of the films shown. In Germany this movie was the only one attracting an audience of more than 5 million people in 2013. Leaving behind the blockbuster film The Hobbit. (more…)

BAFICI is Back Again!

BAFICI is Back Again!

Wednesday April 02, 2014

Good news for all film lovers. The 16th edition of BAFICI (Buenos Aires Feria Internacional de Cine Independiente) is coming up very so back today! From April 2-13, you can enjoy a large spectrum of movies in the whole city of Buenos Aires.

The festival will be opened with the animation film of director Ari Folman, “The Congress”, with Robin Wright and Harvey Keitel. This film was made by six countries: Israel, Germany, Poland, Luxembourg, France and Belgium, and was filmed in Los Angeles, California. This makes the film the ideal opener for an international film festival. (more…)


India Festival in Buenos Aires

Wednesday November 13, 2013

From November 15 till November 24 the fifth edition of the India Festival will take place at the Centro cultural Borges in Buenos Aires There will be music, handcrafts and dance. The entrance is free. Not all activities will take place at the Centro Cultural Borges; some are at other locations in the city of Buenos Aires such as the Planetarium, with demostrations of award winning artisans.

Also the popular “Bollywood” ensembles with a show new and old talented artist and many seminars are offered on, for instance, Yoga, Spirituality, Indian Cuisine, Indian Theatre (more…)