Buenos Aires News


Buenos Aires number 1 Destination according to Tripadvisor

Buenos Aires number 1 Destination according to Tripadvisor

Friday January 30, 2015

Great news for Buenos Aires. The birthplace of Tango, also called The Paris of Latin America, is number 1 top destination of South America according tot the Tripadvisor!

According to Tripadvisor Buenos Aires is, like the tango itself “captivating, seductive and bustling with excited energy. “

Travelers love the different nighborhoods of the Argentina capital, it’s lively nightlife and the European heritage reflected in the architecture, avenidas and parks of Buenos Aires.



The stunning city of Buenos Aires ranks first on the list Most Popular Destination 2014 of the travel guide Tripadvisor!

Friday June 20, 2014

Out of the 676 things to do in Buenos Aires, the users of the Tripadvisor recommend travelers to Buenos Aires to certainly vist the MALBA museum (the Museum of Latin American Art of Buenos Aires), to visit to the neighborhood Palermo Soho and the recently re-opened Teatro Colon, considered one of the best theaters in the world. Other suggestions are the Bosques de Palermo, the residencial Recoleta, and the modern neighborhood of Puerto Madero.