Buenos Aires News

Time Warp Turns into Disaster: 6 dead

Time Warp Turns into Disaster: 6 dead
Monday April 18, 2016

Techno festival Time Warp in Buenos Aires turned into a disaster after six people died from a drug overdose last Friday night. Four other people remain in a critical condition in the hospital. All dead victims are men and aged between 21 and 25. The victims reportedly collapsed on site and many of them suffered from convulsions, cardiac arrhythmia and with extremely high body temperatures.

Festival-goers at Time Warp complained about overcrowding and poor ventilation at the festival. “We couldn’t stay inside, we couldn’t breathe. It was too hot and there were too many people,” told one of the visitors to the local TV channel TN. However, the dead victims have died from a drug overdose, presumably from ecstasy pills containing methamphetamine.

Organizers of Time Warp had decided to cancel the second night of the festival, which was due to take place on Saturday and they published the following statement on Facebook:

“We express our deepest condolences to the families and friends of the people who passed away. The cause of this tragedy will take some time to determine. The show is cancelled for tonight. We will let you know as soon as possible how you can refund the ticket for tonight. We ask that you keep the loved ones of these people in our thoughts and prayers”.

Time Warp was being held in Buenos Aires for the third time and was launched in Germany in 1994. Among the DJs performing were Chris Liebing, Barem and Deep Mariano.

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