Buenos Aires News

Video games to be Included in Buenos Aires’ Biggest Sporting Event

Video games to be Included in Buenos Aires' Biggest Sporting Event
Wednesday May 03, 2017

Video games to be Included in Buenos Aires’ Biggest Sporting Event

Buenos Aires’ largest sporting event will now be including video games. The event, called Juegos Bonaerenses, is considered the Olympics of the Buenos Aires province and already includes more than 64 sporting events.

With the inclusion of video games, this number only gets bigger as people are very excited about this brand new addition to the event.

Now, participants in the Juegos Bonaerenses can play the games League of Legends and FIFA 17 during the tournament. These games, which are also extremely popular, will be available for PC as well as PlayStation 3 and 4.

The province’s Subsecretary of Sports and the Electronic Sports and Videogames Association were responsible for the decision that brought video games, or eSports, to the widely popular event.

The Ministry of Social Development from the Buenos Aires Province also supports this decision, stating that ”eSports are entertainment and at the same time, build training, mental strength, and concentration, elements that can be considered as part of sports”.

They also encourage the idea that video games should be accessible to all genders, ages, and types of people, including those who are handicapped.

Sign up for this event will be open until April 24th.

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