Buenos Aires News

The website ´Don´t Call´ launched in Argentina. No more annoying phone calls!

The website ´Don´t Call´ launched in Argentina. No more annoying phone calls!
Wednesday January 14, 2015

Yesterday a new initiative of The Ministry of Justice was launched. It´s a campaign called ´No Llame´, which means Don´t Call. Argentines who register on this website won´t receive any more calls and messages with sales advertisements. Within 30 days telemarketers have to delete the data from their databases and cannot call the registered people anymore. In the first 24 hours more than 100,000 people registered already at the website.

Signing up is simple: you just dial the tall free 146 or go to the websitewww.nollame.gob.ar and go to ´registrar mi número´. After filling out the necessary information an email will be send to your email address and you will be asked to confirm. Your number will be in their system for two years, and if they still call you or bother you via messages you can send a complaint via the same website.

Participants will still receive alerts and catastrophes, such as weather warnings or earthquakes.

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